New Song: “Wait & See” for the Ignition Lab week #14

The word prompt for this week was “Curious”. It was impossible not to write a song for my Baby D on the ukulele.  I often look at him and wonder what he’s going to be like when he grows up.

When I wrote the lyrics to this one, I wanted to keep broad strokes with these curiosities and less specific, (staying away from things like, “will you be a fireman…a lawyer…an astronaut…” etc.) since I thought that would probably take me forever to come up with something cool and clever. Also, what if he doesn’t want to be any of those things? Then I’ll just be wrong in 20 years. ?

The melody in the bridge made me switch keys a couple of times. Originally, I was writing the song in C, but that made the bridge so high I felt like a chipmunk singing it. I settled in the key of A hesitant about how I can play the E chord (it always sounds sloppy when I do), but I figured out a way to make it work.

Enjoy the new tune and leave me your comments!